
“I like to believe there are many microscopic organisms living all around us. They are invisible to the naked eye but they experience all things that we do. ‘Moonies’ are my representation of those microscopic organisms.

Everytime I travel or move to new place, I always feel so inspired to capture my favorite things about the place. Just like how some people use photographs to capture the beauty and remember places, I like to remember them through painting a ‘Moonie’ version of it.”



A & K, 2018

A & K, 2018

J Family, 2018

S & B, 2020

M & B , 2020

Mexico, 2020


‘Miami’ 2017, 8'x11in. Watercolor and ink on paper

‘Cappadocia’ 2017, 11x16 in, Woodcut print and ink on paper

'Scotland' 2017, 11x8 in , Watercolor and ink on paper

'Yamanakako' 2016, 7x7 in., Watercolor and ink on paper

‘Utah II’ 2017, 8x11 in, Woodcut and ink on paper

'Utah I' 2017, 8x11 in, Woodcut and ink on paper

'Hawaii' 2016, 11x8 in., Watercolor and ink on paper

'Philadelphia' 2017, 11x8 in, Watercolor and ink on pape